Finding the Right Houston Office Space

You know why I picked the doctor I go to? Because her office is right next to the satellite hospital where she sends me if I need to get a blood test, or x-rays, etc. It's convenience.

That's why the location of an office is so important. It will be the reason some of your customers become your customers.

So how do you find the perfect location? First consider:

• Who are my customers or who do I want my customers to be?

• Where are they coming from?

• Is it easy for them to get to me?

• More importantly, is it easier for them to get to me, than to my competition?

You want to know one of the top reasons I work where I do? Because the commute is manageable. Employees are another reason why the location of your office is so important. Does the area have the kind of employees you need/want to hire?

Yes, you have to pick a building you can afford, financially, but basing your choice solely on cost may hurt your bottom line in the long run. If it's a location your customers and employees find hard to get to and inconvenient or worse, unsafe, they may eventually stop coming.

When considering locations, a good real estate broker can help you do your research on demographics and competition, neighborhood reputation and supplier proximity so that you can find the perfect location.

In addition, when you are considering a location, make sure you learn the laws and regulations for business' in that area. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, it can be beneficial to work with a small business specialist or counselor. This is where companies like LandPark Commercial can help you. We know the real estate scene inside and out. We know the best locations and we can help you find the ideal Houston office space location.